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We are seeking your help to hire over eight (800) hundred young men and women to clean and saniitze our public hospitals and our penitentiary centers all around the country permanently. This effort will save life and create a better environment for the benefice of everyone. Once again, your donation will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
We need your help to buy one of these septic trucks.The “Green Haiti International” is committed to clean and sanitize our public hospitals and prisons in Haiti where our brothers and sisters are dying of germs regularly. Our biggest challenge is that generally the toilets are not working in the prisons at the national level in Haiti because the sewer systems are full and there is in no proper equipment to vacuum the human waste out. In addition, because of a lack of mobile toilet, we see human waste everywhere in our capital (Port-Au-Prince).In order to solve these problems, we are placing mobile toilets in the most important areas, especially in Port-Au-Prince (the Capital) and build public Rest Room so we can stop that shameful behavior. We will use the machine to vacuum the waste while we will clean and sanitize those toilets in a daily basis. We really cannot do it ourselves. We would like any organization or government to help us buy this piece of equipment as soon as possible.To better understand our urgent need to buy this truck, let’s imagine, in the heart of our capital, we have a place call “Mache Amba” it’s a flea market kind where ten of thousands of vendors and buyers come every day to make transactions, and there is no restroom at all. The sadness is that a large amount of human waste is located only meters of where they sell fruits and vegetable openly. We really need to solve this problem.Once again, we are profoundly grateful to your kindness and generosity.